Why you should work with ProMedClaim

(Based on a Sole Practice with one biller)
Employee Salary
$16.00 per hour x 40 hours per week =
$620 x 4 weeks = one month gross pay
$2,773.33 $1575.00 Average of $35,000. Net Receivables
monthly deposit at 4.5%
Medical Benefits
Employee PPO Plan Medical Insurance
$330.00 None
Sick Leave
Based on ½ day per month = 6 days per year
$64.00 None
Vacation Leave
Based on a one week paid Vacation per year
$53.33 None
Retirement Plan
Based on a 20% Employer Contribution per month
Varies None
Deferred Compensation / 401k
Employer matched contribution
Varies None
Workers Compensation
Based on $2.00 per $100.00 payroll
$52.00 None
Payroll Taxes
Based on 26 pay periods per year
$93.00 None
Payroll Fees
Monthly fees may vary
$20.00 None
Electronic Claims
346 claims @ $0.25 per claim
Based on 80% of total monthly claims with
an average patient volume of 20 patients
per day per provider
$86.50 None
Paper Claims
87 claims @$0.54 per claim
Based on 20% of total monthly claims with
an average patient volume of 20 patients
per day per provider
$46.98 None
Patient Statements
10 Statements per day @ $0.50 per
statement, 20 day billing cycle
$100.00 None
TOTAL PER MONTH $3,619.14 per Biller $1,575.00

Additional costs for IN-HOUSE billing.

Why should you work with ProMedClaim LLC?

Apart from immediate savings on above given things you can also be sure of following results.

How you work with ProMedClaim

If you also think like our many other clients that ProMedClaim brings a lot of value to you then pls. contact us and we would quickly sign one small Registration form and Agreement and after we do it then you can immediately start sending us your all Superbills.
You can send us superbills either through Fax or Email us directly from your EMR Software or if possible in your EMR then we can take your all bills directly from your EMR without utilizing the time of your office staff.